A High School Crush

Amittras7 ChaptersAug 09, 2022

Does the restless compulsion to chase someone ever fully disappear from our lives? Or does it linger, like smoldering embers, waiting for that fresh gust of air to flare up into the blaze it was always supposed to be.


Does the restless compulsion to chase someone ever fully disappear from our lives? Or does it linger, like smoldering embers, waiting for that fresh gust of air to flare up into the blaze it was always supposed to be. Can things work out on their own if you keep them bottled up long enough, or do you have to pull the cork out and let everything spill in a heartbeat…? If you do love someone, will you take control of all the intricacies thoughtfully, or run completely on your instincts…?

Ruhi was living her life like a normal teenager up until a boy joined his school in standard eleventh. From the very beginning, she felt an attraction to him, but Aarush didn’t seem to have much interest in her.

So what does Ruhi do, she simply let’s go, explores the world as she would have if Aarush hadn’t shown up. And yet, as time goes on, and destiny seems to keep them together all through college, she thinks about him again.

Follow Ruhi’s story, as told in her own words and at her own pace, as she relives her years of slowly but surely falling in love with her high school crush, and winning his heart in the end.

Enjoy this 7 part short story.


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